Multidisciplinary Freelance Artist
Directing / Video Editing / Photography / Graphic Design
Creative Consultancy / Artist and Entertainment Liaison
Live Stream Producer
All around visual creative.
Always ahead of the curve, Deej Fabian is a natural tastemaker. Unwavering vision and a lot of nerve go into all of his creative endeavours—from directing videos to graphic design, photography to live stream production. Deej is a one-stop shop for work that is suave, smart, and stylish. To him, cool is an instinct. Learn More
Let’s make stories.
Creating videos are easy, but making the visuals compelling and interesting takes a lot more than just cutting and stitching.
The audience should be able to grasp the story and be enticed by your content — it’s our job to make sure that these things get done and get your point across. Each part has to be deliberate: from to the music, graphics, fonts, selection of clips and timing.
So, shall we start creating?